For starters, the boss, or whoever the top guy is, should only communicate through a few trusted associates at most. And that's the up close, whispering-in-the-ear type thing. Never on the phone or out loud (especially inside) or around other people. Those few trusted underlings should only be passing the orders on down at meetings at some out of the way motel or something at like 3 am in the morning. And that's after they've done all those fancy maneuvers to shake any surveillance. And never meet in the same place more than once or twice. Keep things generally one-on-one. No big meetings. Everyone only knows what he needs to. That way, if there's a weak link or a snitch, the damage he can do if he flips is more limited.

Chin did a lot of this before he became careless with Savino.

Gravano did a lot of this before Gotti made him and everybody else parade around at the Ravenite.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.