Originally Posted By: carmela
When Renda went missing, people speculated he was maybe kidnapped. Others speculated he was already dead. I backed up the people saying he was dead. I knew he was. And not only dead, I heard he went in a gruesome way. Tortured and dismembered. This is just stuff nobody comes up to you to tell you, but within a family people talk. Sometimes they're just speculating themselves. Sometimes they know for certain. Gossip and talk travels fast either way, though.

Sick people. That's not even revenge, it's far worse than that. Violi was killed without even realising it. One shot and he was dead, probably didn't feel any pain.

Why was Renda tortured and [BadWord] and Rizzuto only shot at? Does this suggest that Renda's role in the Violi murder was bigger than them? Could Renda have pulled the trigger personally?

And if [BadWord] was killed by a Sicilian, why? Was it a Sicilian hired by Hamilton, or was it one of his own? Could it be that Big Joe agreed that Agostino should pay for deeds in the past on the condition that they would do it themselves?

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."