1) Facebook
2) Google
3) Youtube
4) Wikipedia

I can't believe anyone is actually listing Wiki P higher than last! I'll admit I use it, even as far as to understand the prescribed medication that goes into my body, but always as a starting point. It's like a brainstorm if anything. Oh and I may be guilty of checking album tracks song listing too. In fact only the other night did I lose a discussion (read: minor argument) with the missus over when Rihanna's Umbrella came out because of Wiki P. But you can't trust a word it says. Everything else has to be checked.

Anyway FB come first because I am a bit of an FB whore. It's a journal, photobook and easy way to keep in touch with friends that I may not have seen for a while without having to do the ol' "Hey man, how's it going?", when instead you can reply to their status with some reason banther (read: abuse).

Google rocks; it has to come second.

Youtube, for me anyway, is a great way of listening to songs I don't want to purchase and perhaps just want to hear once or twice. I don't really use it for much else, perhaps the odd funny video every now and then.

So die all who betray Giuliano