My quick report wink :

SC: the proverbial avuncular teddy bear. Plus he has a *way* cool gurlfriend (Hi L *waves*). Hold on to her tight SC.
P.Lawrence: DOES kind of look like Al Pacino closeup.
J-Off: The Don of Hearts, a sweetheart with a low voice
Turnbull: Lucky me, since neither of us smoke we got to talk a lot while the rest were putting another layer of black tar on their lungs and arteries. Fascinating man in all respects
MaryCas: whatta guy. Gaves us great directions, met us, guided us and then planned our next outing. Thanks Mary! Your directions really saved us.
TIS: What can I say. We always get along! ANd you all know what a bitch I am smile .

I'm really happy to meet all of you. I am genuinely, really no lie, impressed by the brains, wit and general "fun-ness" of you guys. I wish I could see you all the time.

I got some great pics, downloaded them onto my laptop, and then my laptop fried on me. Hopefully when I'm in the office on Weds I can recover my hard drive. I hate technology sometimes.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"