Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Those NY guys that ended up with the NJ Family were regarded by the NY Families as pretty much unusable. They didn´t want them. But they still vouched for them.
When "tranfered" to the NJ Family, they were still only "connected guys" and it wasn´t like they were being made overnight. In some cases, it took years before they got made and during that time they were carefully evaluated by the NJ bosses.

One funny thing about it is that the NY Families put an end to NJs recruitment of NY guys and withdraw their consent of it.
This was in the 80s (I think) when the talent pool (even in NY) was getting slimmer. However, this didn´t stop the NY Families from recruiting guys from New Jersey!

it was the mid-1990s

"During the mid 1990s, Amari and Vitabile, now the most powerful members of the family, were present in a sitdown with representatives of the Gambino and Colombo crime families in New York City, as the DeCavalcante crime family had been recruiting reputed Mafia associates Louis "Louie Eggs" Consalvo and Gregory Rago, who together operated a social club on Mott Street and held criminal interests in New York City. The only problem was that, since these two mobsters were based in New York, their profit and activities should have gone to one of the Five Families, in this instance, either the Gambino crime family or the Colombo crime family. Reputed Gambino family captain Nicholas "Little Nick" Corozzo and Colombo family Consigliere Vincenzo "Vinny" Aloi were present during the sitdown. The conflict was eventually resolved peacefully when it was ruled the DeCavalcante crime family could no longer 'make' members outside of New Jersey and South Philadelphia, which was another area that the DeCavalcantes had traditionally recruited from."


Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.