Originally Posted By: Ivan
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Journalism is what it is: 20 percent facts, 80 percent bullshit. But it hardly just applies to mafia coverage; it's everything.

but don't you think the bullshit factor in mafia coverage is even higher than usual?

Not really.

Of course I could be very wrong, but just look at how the politicos behave. If it suits their agenda (or party), they'll write anything, whether it's exaggerated or not. Same goes for the clowns who write about the assholes out in Hollywood.

There's just no such thing as responsible journalism anymore (if it ever existed in the first place). Even the New York Times, which is supposed to set the standard for responsible journalism (if a bit too liberal), has become a fucking joke.

You're almost better off reading the Post nowadays. At least Rupert Murdoch's people don't pretend to be anything they're not. They just write for shits and giggles.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.