About 10 or more years ago, a few friends and I went to Vegas for a weekend get-a-way type thing (I call it therapy myself) grin . We were waiting in line for a show as they were slowly letting people in.

At the front of the line was a couple (or even family I'm not sure how many in the group) that didn't speak English well and were trying to communicate to the guy at the entrance kind of slowing up the line.

Anyway, a couple assholes in the rear of the line starting yelling "speak English" or "go back where you came from", "this is American", etc. and comments like that. Everyone else for the most part, in line was appalled at there behavior and some yelled back for these big mouths to shut up. It's bad enough under normal circumstance, but for God's sake, you're talking Vegas where people from all over the world visit. You should expect to see people from all over. I felt badly for these people and wouldn't be surprised if they decided never to visit Vegas (let alone America) again. Some people are simply hateful mad but I really don't think (hope) they're NOT the majority.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon