My mom is thinking of getting this new suv. So about 5 days ago me, my older brother and my younger brother took it for a test drive.After about a half hour drive we were driving back up my street.Just as we were pulling in beside my house I noticed it. I looked up to my right and there was a craft about about 100 feet above my neighbors house.(Pretty much above mty house)This craft was circular and had lights around its perimiter rotating slowly, and on the bottom there were about 20 big lights covering most of it.I quickly pointed it out to my brothers and ran in to get my new 1,300 dollar canadian video camera I got for grad.As I ran back out of my house turning on my camera me and my brothers saw it take off out of sight in about 2 seconds.My younger brother (10) thought it evaporated.Anyway I know what I saw and so do my brothers and I dont make up this kind of stuff.
Has anyone else ever experienced any thing like this???

By the way sorry about my spontaneuos arrivals here(computers still busted)Nice to talk to ylou all

UFO pics
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I cant stop thinking about this!!!!

You talkin' to me?