Of all the ugly things that happen in sports, this may be the ugliest of all-time. A former assistant coach is alleged to have sexually abused 8 young boys in a 15 year time period. One alleged incident was witnessed by a graduate assistant who saw a boy sodomized by the assistant coach in the Penn State shower. Yahoo Sports

Joe Paterno might be legally cleared, but how he has slept at night all these years is beyond me. He has FOREVER ruined his reputation if he did turn a blind eye to this inexcusable behavior. Indications are that he told the PSU administration, but he had a moral obligation to do more and he (along with other PSU officials) were silent.

I for one hope that Sandusky is on suicide watch. He does not deserve to get off that easy if he did even 1/100th of these allegations. He deserves to have the shit kicked out of him and much worse for the rest of his life in prison. It just infuriates me that someone could do this to children.