Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: flamingokid123
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Am I the only one who hopes the Justice Department finally gets off it's ass and indicts the corrupt scam bags that run today's college football? I'm talking about the fat cats in the NCAA, the BCS, and BCS bowls, and the 6 BCS conferences. Especially the stinking SEC!
Must be a Boise St fan.

Nope. Die hard BYU fan. And any objective observer must admit that the current D-I system of college football engages in the same monopolistic and restraint of trade practices that corporations and, yes, the Mafia have been busted for. Every other sport has a playoff system but college football. Most fans want one. Not leaving it up to biased polls and secret computer calculations.
College football has it's problem, but with all it's problem, college football is still the best. In my mind.

Did you go to BYU?