I always had this great idea, but now I want to share it with everyone. With people's help I want to start writing the script for Godfather 4. I already started and It will follow Vincent. This is what came up with, but need help for ideas and mistakes.

“Things could of gone different, but this is how life turned out for me and I have no room in complaining. Who would of thought that I will be sitting on a plane back to Sicily, the murderous land. That land broke my heart and killed my friends and family. I will soon arrive to my Uncle Mike’s funeral, who died just couple of hours ago” Vincent Corleone was thinking.
The plane made was just of Palermo and the airstrip started to be visible to everyone. Vincent learned many things from Uncle Mike, and what that knowledge controlled the Corleone empire and have taken it higher than ever. The Corleone family was the strongest and the most powerful in United States, Cuba, Mexico, and Italy. But Vincent knew with the dead of Michael, a war will erupt in the families and many will reunite to crash the Corleones. Vincent was prepared for this and he had his capos target any many that will be a threat. His thoughts we disturbed by the plane coming down on the airstrip.
A car was waiting for him, Uncle Mike will be buried in the same house he died and also his first wife Apollonia. After the dead of Mary, Michael returned to Long Beach, where he repurchased the mall that was once owned by his father Vito Corleone. The last five years of his life, he returned to Sicily with Kay, who forgave him. Kay has died last year by a heart stroke, Uncle was left alone but wished to stay in Sicily.