I also want to point out two quotes from that blog. The first...

"There were five errors and several other defensive blunders, including Nelson Cruz's misplay on Freese's game-tying triple, that hurt both teams over the course of the proceedings. There were also questionable managerial decisions, baserunning mistakes and poor pitching performances to blemish the game in a way that we haven't seen in some of the other great World Series games of all time."

I have a hard time believing that a game can be the best ever played when the game was played so poorly. If the game was played the way a major league team SHOULD play, the outcome would have been entirely different and it would be just another forgettable world series victory for one of these teams.

I truly believe this is a case of people wanting to so badly believe they just witnessed something that is better than anything that has ever happened before. It's..

"a consequence of our national culture of instant satisfaction that forces everything to be the best"

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes