Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
Keep in mind that those "old" Genovese captains are probably 'schooling' their younger underlings a lot better than what happens in the other families. I think the Genoveses will still be powerful 25 years from now.

exactly ... couldn't have said it better myself. The Genovese seem more like a "family" than any of the others, if that makes sense. You never, or rarely at most, hear about the cowboy shit that has happened in all of the other families, in the Genovese.

It seems like everyone there knows their role. They all have a role to play. Bosses/ruling panels seem to treat those positions with great responsibility, opposed to treating it like they hit the powerball. They also value the advisor position. Compare the Genovese Consigs in the last 20 years with Consigs in every other family. Sessa, Lastorino, Graziano? Guys who are barely 40 years old advising the administration? Sure those guys made money and know how to pull a trigger, but that's it. That position in every other family has degraded into mouth pieces/yes men for the boss. Not in the Genovese. The administration actually works for the best interests in the family opposed to their individual agendas.

Also success begets success. So if getting made into the Genovese means you've already been in the game for decades with multiple people vouching for you, and you have a lot on the ball...then you get schooled by guys who came up the same way? They have a better perpetuating cycle in place than any of the other families.

I know it sounds like Genovese fanboy'ism hyping up the "mystique" that surrounds the family, but regardless of how it sounds everyone's gotta agree that the Genovese guys are a different breed. Always have been and always will be.

Something else I've wondered too; guys from the Bronx and the city being "better". Anyone else notice this? The Genovese have always had a stronghold in the Bronx and the city, but even in other families guys from the BX and Manhattan always seem to be a little more traditional and have more on the ball. coincidence??? lol I was in a "mobbed up" restaurant a few years ago with my girlfriend, place was empty, but there was a drunk old guy at the bar arguing with his friend and the bartender that the "toughest and smartest guys in the whole state come from East Harlem"

Last edited by tt120; 10/29/11 03:08 PM.