Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

FYI, Im of the opinion that Tony Senter was never made for the same reason that Joey Testa was not; they were in prison for life before they really got anywhere above being DeMeo's muscle. Also, they were both creepy fucks. Not that the last one precludes induction, but I think if they'd had another few years on the streets, at least Testa would've been made. Maybe even Senter.

I agree also.

Senter would been made in my eyes though; albeit with a lot of wiseguys askin, "Yo, Senter? What part of the boot is that fuckin' name from?"

"The Feds are a business Anthony, millions of tax dollars are invested in watching your ass, sooner or later, just like you, their gonna want a return on their investment." --- Neil Mink, Tony Soprano's lawyer