Originally Posted By: Lilo
The thing is is that not only does he hold the rights to the name "The Time" but he wrote just about everything on "their" first two albums and played most of the instruments. Presumably he still owns rights to all that as well which means he gets paid every time one of those albums or songs is sold or played.

So why be a jerk at this point? They tour as The Time, interest in the back catalog goes up and Prince makes more $$$.

Which is all pretty logical, except (1) he's not, and (2) he doesn't give a shit. Whenever I or somebody starts a Prince thread, we could endlessly list all his mistakes and questionable moves and opinions that baffle the most very basic of logic.

Whether it be his botched handling of The Time (his only truely successful associated-act) or the firing of the Revolution or refusing to tour SIGN O THE TIMES in America or suing your own fanbase or producing Carmen Electra or most recently his gaffe about Muslim nations....pick your poison.

Originally Posted By: Lilo

This is exactly why Terry Lewis and Jimmy Jam left the first time around-too much control. I wonder if this is his way of getting even for them walking out all those years ago.

Considering how little in regard he always held for his "employees," I think its just him being a dick for the sake of it and getting off on power control. (Hell another Prince-formed act in The Family also recently reformed to tour and record, and he likewise refused to let them keep their name. Now they're Fdeluxe, which sounds like a rejected futuristc McDonalds burger.)