Albert DeMeo's book "For the sins of my Father" tells how Roy hatched a plot with his son to fake his death.
Albert was supposed to shoot his Dad as carefully as possible whilst in the car.
The Car would then be abandoned by the roadside where the cops would find it with Roys blood over the seats and assume he'd been whacked.
Roy would then disappear out of the country and his family would join him months later.
As we know, they never got the chance to put the plan into action.
Its hard to say if DeMeo would have flipped, he loved his family and that may have been the crucial factor.
I've said before on this board and I'll say it again, Joey and Anthony did Roy a favour by whacking him.
If he had not been killed, 1983 would have been his last year as a free man because later that year Dom Montiglio got busted and turned government informant.
We'll never know if Roy would have flipped but I do know this - Roy had the last laugh on the Gemini twins because they are rotting in jail now paying for the crews crimes.