Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
Originally Posted By: LuanKuci
And he's too isolated to make a move anyhow. Do you really think that he's gonna do it himself? No Way Jose!
And...again...are we even sure that he has a clear idea of who's really behind all this?

We don't know how isolated Vito is. He always had good connections so I would consider him capable of settling scores. But the current situation shows that the Rizzutos' regime in Montreal is all but over.

I agree with Sonny's point, in that Vito would have a much better idea then anyone else who exactly is behind what plots and which were directed at him. Obviously he's not talking though. Whatever ends up coming out in the wash (for us mob-watchers) will be interesting.

The thing is, over the last few years certain media sources have revelled in linking every new murder, every new attack, every new intrigue in Canada with whats been going on in Montreal. A great example would be the Nick Rizzuto Jr hit, which was reported as a direct affront to Rizzuto influence when it seems that the murder was actually connected to a business dispute he was in the midst of. Another is the string of cafe firebombings in Montreal, which were for a long time referred to as an attack on Rizzuto/Sicilian hegomony, while in actuality it seems to have been the result of a literal "price-war" between certain Turkish and Italian elements, at least according to the book Mafia Inc.

While Vito definitely seems isolated and vulnerable, its too easy to write him off completely at this point. In any case though, the Rizzuto's are done as the 'first family' of Montreal OC.
