I love to hear about celebrity sightings in NYC.

Here are a couple of mine:

Ron Silver (gosh, he does seem to get around!)
Bernadette Peters
Kenny Rogers
James Taylor
Susan Sarandon & Tim Robbins

Barbra Streisand (though technically, she doesn't count as a 'sighting' because my friend & I went to her building to seek her out - Barbra was not too thrilled about this)

But my favorite ever was a local newscaster named John Johnson. He'd been on CBS for many years & several months earlier I'd heard that he left his job to care for his elderly father, ailing with Alzheimer's. I found this quite admirable (since my mother had done virtually the same for our grandmother) and vowed to myself if I ever happened to see Mr. Johnson on a NYC street I would go right over & shake his hand. Well one day on the way to visit my friend on the Upper West Side - guess who was waiting to cross at a light!! Gotta tell you, I almost chickened out, but thought that if I didn't do this I would NEVER forgive myself. So I walked over and shook his hand and told him why. He was very appreciative and friendly, then each of us went out own way.

Can't tell you how thrilled I get whenever I that story!!


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.