pl - a truly New York State of Mind. I've seen a dozen or so celebs on the street; Alan King, Ron Silver, Don Adams, Howard Cosell, off the top of my head. But a truly impressive sight was seeing Pres. Bush - twice - ride by - in front of my building on Broad St. Once in October, after 9/11 and last May. Both times to address the NY Stock Exchange. The incredible thing about it is the amount of security. At least 50 motorcycle police, dozens of black vans, police cars, two black, stretch limo (which one is he in?) and cops lining the route. The Pres. lands at the heliport near the foot of Broad St and drives the three blocks up Broad St. The other cool thing about it was the Air Force One helicopters - 3 of them, plus 2 military copters. Quite impressive.

Another celeb sighting that was unique: I was in London on business. We were in a small office building and one of the locals told us that the restaurant next door was owned by Michael Caine. When we left for the day, outside a limo pulls up and out steps Mike himself. Cool Coincidence.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12