Yes, you're right...

You're walking down the road (yes, on the road), licking a lollipop. A friend drives along in his car and picks you up. You offer him some lollipop. He declines. You drop it out of your window and suddenly feel sorry for -- OH MY GOD THE VOICES ARE BACK -- it. You hop out of the car, breaking your tailbone, but you got the lollipop. Picking it up out of desolate drain it flew into, you attempt to walk with a broken tailbone. Then you drop the lo --THEY CAN HEAR ME -- llipop down your pants and start walking with this sticky shit and a broken tailbone. This awkward way of walking is known well as Hick Walking. And Crazy Walking.



Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisioned
Only after the last fish has been caught

Then you will find that money cannot be eaten.