Originally posted by Saladbar:
Ah Anton don't start with the IM bickering again
Yeah, I know...I'm just a bit grumpy. I KNOW it SHOULD be JJoe we're getting, but what the hell... tongue

Originally posted by Guineapig:
Hopefully 'tis cancer, or the HIV.
GP. I would say that I pity you, but I don't. What a sad little life you must lead.

Nonetheless, Hick Walking needs help...

You apologise to ShortCake for being stupid. Anton The Penguin walking, it be.

You are running home when you trip over a dog and impale your eye on a fence post. As you lie there with your brains slowly oozing out of the socket and staining the sidewalk, a dog urinates on your leg and begins to hump it. You manage to draw yourself off the post, but your eye is hanging out. A massive breeze blows it up into a tree where it wraps around. You try to climb the tree to get your eye (it is still attatched to you), when a bird comes along and starts pecking on it. Rat-a-tat-tat, rat-a-tat-tat. Then, a gang comes along and pulls you down off the tree, tearing the eye off. The gang proceed to slit your nostriles and smash your temples with baseball bats. Then, they cut all the muscles around your tongue. They cut your stomach open, crusify you, and send you flying off a massive cliff. When landing in the water, you slowly sink and drown. You have experienced Mistersixer meets Uzi walking. grin


Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisioned
Only after the last fish has been caught

Then you will find that money cannot be eaten.