Even if it turns out that he doesn't "completely" turn on Uncle Joe and only offers non-violent stuff, I had thought that between the phone-calls he's alleged to have made and the sealed plea's, George A had obtained all but official confirmation that Bent Finger Lou had turned.

If it is the case...as rg pointed out, what a joke. From all accounts, the guy has spent the last few years trying to convince everyone that he was a player. He had the nuts to allegedly move on Angelina, who despite being a brokester, reverse wife-beater, cop spitting joke, was a made guy and close with Merlino. Then as soon as he's facing a hadful of years in prison time, he's cries uncle? If this is the stuff most new LCN guys prove to be made of, it's a dire future for them.

Whatever Frankie The Fixer had on him seems to have been enough to do the job. Though for what it's worth, I also have reservations about completely buying into the DeLuca claims, despite it being a similar foregone conclusion at this stage. Although it definitely seems the case, Im still waithing for the official confirmation to come out during the trials before I cad agree 100%.

I wonder how guys are feeling about Borgesi these days, and what he's thinking about his possible future. For all his wire-tapped boasting and time served, he's a guy with quite a rep. He's said to be feared by a lot of guys, being known for an explosive temper. It certainly doesn't look like he'll be gettin out soon at this stage, so Im interested in seeing what goes on there. He wouldn't be the first guy everybody sweared would never rat that did.
