The Logan Act actually goes back to the 18th century passed by the Congress with the support of President Adams. Although political parties weren't like they are today, Adams was a federalist and people like Jefferson were Republicans. The federalists were out to destroy the Republicans and they used the quasi-war with France to try and achieve it. The Logan act came on the heels of the Alien and Sedition acts which were an attempt to silence Adam's critics. And get this. The alien part of the acts was intended to keep aliens from voting and supporting the Republicans. Sound familiar. So, a US citizen went to the French and was able to get them to stop hostilities towrd the US. As a result, Adams and the federalists could no longer use the quasi-war with France as an issue to generate support. So, they passed the Logan Act and it went through a techmnical revision in 1948 and '94. But, yes, Americans are not suppposed to communicate with foreign governments in an attempt to influence relations between thema nd the US.

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
"Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."
"Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."