Originally Posted By: m2w
italy is not a nation of immigration anymore, except a few doctors living the country, there are only internal emigration today from south to north italy and somebody in germany
there is only little discrimination today in some countries but nothing compared to it used to be since 1930s to 1970s in germany, swiss, france, belgium etc...
that's because the huge immigration from italy is ended in the 70s

Originally Posted By: ciccogol
Come on man, are you serious re: Italian discrimination in Central EU/UK? I live in London - my parents are immigrants from Napoli and I have never experienced anything close to discrimination...my 17 year old cousin (born and raised in Napoli) is working in a restaurant in Copenhagen and he is having the best year of his life...). Maybe you have a few problems here and there but nothing comparable to how we were treated 100 years ago I think.

M2w, ciccogol you've offended me.
So you are basically calling me a liar? Why?
What makes you think that I would post false and unrelible facts?
Why would I do that?

This is not OC, where everyone can say what they please, these are issues that are documented annually.

Once again, let's go in order:

So you guys are saying that you got more facts that the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, College researchers, journalists and analysts?
These groups\institutions have stated that every year 50.000 Italians move out.
For today's Italy...it's pretty dern high, since that it's in better shape compared to the 1890s-1940s.

I don't lie to people and you can check on this very forum that every time I talk about the Italian Diaspora (past & present) I DO KNOW MY FACTS.

The "brain drain" is one thing...to that you gotta add all those Italians that move out without degree.

You don't have to come to America or travel as far as Australia to be living out of Italy.
Many go eslwhere in the EU simply because they don't need a visa to get a job.

If you read Italian and wanna get some more info...knock yourself out:



No more discrimination? Are YOU serious?
Is it like in the '20s? Uhm obviusly not...BUT you don't have to be lynched by an angry mob to be discriminated.

Have I said that EVERY Italian is discriminated? Nope.
But just because your family wasn't...it doesn't mean that it can be hapening to someone else.

From what I know, not just from my own family experience, friends, etc...but mostly from the hundreads of threads that I've read around the web in the past few years, the discrimination against the Italian people is still high.

We are though, so you won't see a bunch of Italians complaining (except those loser UNICO and NIAF) on the streets.

Again, I love to get people to know about this issues, so, M2W and CICCOGOL, if you're interested about the contemporary Italian Immigrant experiece there are SEVERAL great blogs that you can check out.

Hope that this clears things out.