Originally Posted By: yigido
@Mussolini14: there was this guy called dragan nicolic a gypsie from yugoslavia back then. he was a bigtime leader of gypsie gangs in western europe. in holland he started eating in restaurants and then he wouldnt pay for the food and he extorted those joints. so they once tried this turkish restaurant who was connected. you know after a while of fihgting and yelling these guys threatened to shoot them. the turks armed up and the gypsies 2 of them dragan and someone called s.nardi started spraying the joint. the turks shot them down pretty fast and killed them. the gypsie's wanted to retaliate but the bigger boys in the turkish underworld prevented this. another man claimed he shot them out of self deffence because he was ordered so by the mafia. he got a few years i think(btw here in holland murder sentences are like 10 to 15 years but some occassions lower the sentence in this case self deffence. terrorism excluded). my father was young and hanging around those place back then and he told me this. and the man who plead guilty was heavilly connected with facist-nationalist turks called the grey wolves i happen to know his son. in general turks and moroccans beat the crap out of gypsies here because they act like cowboys around them.

and for the rest of you gypsies are called roma because thats a different race in the gypsie race. to compare it see it as the italian people who speak different language's. they come from north-west india somewhere in afghanistan and pakistan. they where massacred and attacked repeatedly by turkish tribes and sometimes on bigger scale by turkish empires. this led to them escaping this area and running of east and west primarily to the west. and trough the years the nomads(turks and mongols) forced them to flee to the west where their adventures in europe started. read what i posted before about the gypsie wikipedia page that caused them to immigrate more to east-europe where they where tolerated.

in turkey there are 500,000 gypsie's and in italy 130,000 according to wikipedia. in turkey they arent hated that much they are even respected musicians and in europe they are criminals that is the thing that i dont understand. there a lot of them trying to scam tourist and a few probably pickpocket those poor tourist to but thats really all of it. i think also the main reason they arent feared in turkey is that the turks pretty much dont accept that stuff so they answer with violence on a bigger scale.

oh also the gypsie's are smart criminals. in paris they had some nice scams. one involved acting like deaf and mute. they would show you papers saying they are deaf and mute and there would be an autograph space on these papers. it said you would donate a few euro's and then you should sign the papers. here is the trick they see it when you grab your wallet than they hug you with 10 kids and take it frome where you put it in. there was this hot gypsie who ran after my friend to pull this scam but my friend was yelling at her and then those deaf and mute kids where laughing together with us and yelling at their sister and our friend. a while later she stopped and walked away . funny thing is we saw her one day later then she made fun of our friend about the way he yelled at her.

Interesting stuff man thanks for sharing.