Watched part one of HBO's Scorsese's George Harrison special. Although George was featured it was hard to get away from stories that didn't focus on the entire group, which made it even more entertaining IMHO.

The early years with plenty of wonderful old footage, much of what I don't remember seeing before. It focused on a few aspects of Harrison early life, friends and his musical talent, reaction to fame, money and how one time they all were in the hotel room in the bathroom just to get away from everyone/everything.

It also covered their first LSD experience which George evidently really enjoyed. Of course that period of their lives entered the Ravi Shankar/Maharishi years and the era of meditation. About his first visit to Haight Ashbury which Harrison said was nothing like he expected. He thought it would be "groovy people getting spiritual" but instead "it was all bums". lol He said they were offered drugs/pipes, etc but he declined and said he stopped doing drugs.

Of course George's solo music went off at that era with All Things Must Pass.

Lots of info and nostalgia and a reflective look at George who really does seem to be the "quiet" (lowkey) Beatle. I look forward to part II.

Looking back to the 60's and remembering the contribution, excitement and talent that the Beatles brought to our shores, makes me really am sad that we lost two of the four at such young ages. frown Their talent will live forever.

Part two was equally as good concentrating but not limited to Harrison's solo career including his concert for Bangladesh, The Traveling Willburys to name a couple. On the personal side, the film covers the time his home was broken into (which I actually forgot about, and reminds us of how seriously he was injured (stab wounds)and continues up to his death of cancer with a touching synopsis from his wife Olivia.

Oh, they also show his son, Dahni, who I can't say I know anything about, but he does resemble his father. I did learn a lot about the "quiet Beatle" beyond the public image. A truly talented and I think genuine person.



Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 10/09/11 06:12 PM.

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