Originally Posted By: gottamoveon
I think that this raises a brilliant point. He could well be a rat. We have already been through that story line with Big Pussy, so David would very well decide not to repeat it through Christophers character. (Doesn't mean it isn't so) Did Ralphie kill the horse. Was that Barry Haydu really Chrissys fathers killer. Does Tony realise Chris gave Meadow her first stash of drugs when she confronts her father about it in the episode College. (He certainly sits at the dinner table thinking it through) And what happened to the guy in Pine Barrens. This show was meant for open interpretation. And means we could all be right in our own ways.

It is Carmine who suggests the extra kill in Cleaver for cinematic effect and not in fact Christopher. But Carmela convinces Tony that it is a personal dig at him. The relationship again takes a bad nosedive. Just maybe Chris thinks if i had not put all my trust and faith into this mob family i would still have Adriana and we wouldn't have gone through all of this. Maybe he does flip...well done.

However I believe the heroine (Which has a close resemblance to the pain killing drug that hospitals use - morphine) may have allowed Christopher to feel no pain from his injuries, which in turn, allows him to ask for a taxi in a kind of black humour way. It's sad cause i think hes so high he cant feel the pain.

he wasn't high during the crash, he was with tony for the last several hours, it doesnt last days the high