Originally Posted By: yigido
damn you guys are racist. if you look up gypsie history you can see that some european countries brought them to this state. they where a little bit like the jews back then.
where i come from we got a lot of gypsie's but there arent any troublemakers they just play music to earn money.

we also have a gypsie problem here(netherlands) but seriously nobody really cares except for a few people who live in the same neighborhoods as them.

and wasnt there a time that italians and other immigrants where hated ?

How are we being racist? We shouldn't be allowed to voice our concerns over criminal behavior? We should be forced to accept this? Look at the facts before you open your mouth. Yes Italians and most ethnic groups were disliked but Italians and other ethnics didn't actually raise there children to be criminals and encourage them not to get a job or go to school. Gyspies on the other hand do. I am not making this up this is a fact. Do you have elderly family member who live in fear of these people? I didn't think so. Educate yourself before you comment and bring in typical liberalism BS of "Everyone who doesn't love everyone and tolerate a demographic who's main function is a criminal enterprise is a racist". This is the exact mentality that causes violence to occur. Good people are afraid to speak up and voice there concerns because uneducated liberals are so quick to brand everyone as a "racist" and then a breaking point is reached and people react violently.

You're not ignorant you say? What about your comment of "I live in Holland, and we have gypsies but no one here is bothered by them so they must not be a problem in Italy and anyone who actually lives in Italy or has family members in Italy and disagrees with this is just a racist". Doesn't get much more ignorant than that son.

IMO it doesn't matter what race, color or creed someone is but criminal behavior should not be tolerated.

Last edited by Mussolini14; 10/08/11 03:52 PM.