Gypsies are human garbage and should've been wiped out long ago. Professional con artists and thieves. Their children are taught how to beg for money at an early age, all to build big mansions in Romania that they never live in, just to show off their wealth. Most of the street mechanics are gypsies and I've been approached by almost a dozen, all Romanian, offering to fix my car on the street. Google them and look up their wikipedia entry. They are taught not to go to school, not to work, and other strange practices. Use a gypsy for target practice, good riddance.

I noticed when I watched the amanda knox trial and some pictures in prison, of her dancing, that she was the only white person in there. Are most people in Italian prisons, africant immigrants?

Most of europe hates Gypsies and they definitely hate all the africans who come into their countries with no money, education, values, and who can blame them. These people are ugly, stupid and criminally oriented and reproduce like cockroaches.