Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Fredo would always be a danger

Many posts about this controversy are replete with statements such as yours. However, noone ever states what the danger is that Fredo would always be?

He could have rallied other members of the family against Michael: Tom, Connie, the children, other non-kin members of the family like Al Neri (who appeared to have a soft spot for Fredo the way he reacted when Mike gave him the look at the funeral)...Fredo could have also snitched out Mike to the press or the authorities. I don't know any way that Fredo wouldn't have always been a liability to Mike had he spared his life.

Michael may have been able to sequester him from a lot of the family business, but there would always be ways to harm Michael again -- especially if Fredo was still bitter about being cut off from the family business, which you have to believe he always would be, deep down.

Last edited by DeathByClotheshanger; 10/07/11 10:43 AM.