Originally posted by Nyah:
[QUOTE]...back then was when the first television set got intro'd into the households of white bread america... and i think at the time, women were able to vote for the first time?...
Are you saying that Kennedy won because women were allowed to vote? Actually, Kennedy won because dead Democrats were allowed to vote.

Time to start suscribing to The History Channel, Nyah. Though JFK did utilize it more (and it probably helped get him votes since Nixon looked so bad in that televised debate - most who listened on radio felt Nixon won), the first 'television' President was Eisenhower; by the time Kennedy was elected there was probably at least one set in most households.

And...women were given the vote in the 1920's.


PS - Hey, Saladbar...guess I should've read YOUR post before typing mine!!

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.