GP: The statements below remind me of William Bennett. Critics that mix their own private morality with public leadership.

Originally posted by Guineapig:

I agree with the addition of the president being the ultimate embassador and absolute representitive of a country's morals and its population's completly.

Donsadvisor. Yes abjectly and seemingly, most American citizen's remain apathetic to their president's private life, but that's where they are wrong. He represents them with his private life as well.

We can all agree on what's illegal: i.e. cocaine, drunk driving, stock fraud.

But morality is grey. Some people think it's ALWAYS wrong to kill, hence they're against capital punishment or can't join the army.

Suppose it comes to light that Bush is getting blowjobs from an intern? How much would it hurt him politically? My guess is somewhat, but not a big sudden drop in approval.

"A refusal is not the act of a friend"