Originally posted by Guineapig:
JFK is not admired by me as few world leaders are. I don't see what was thought special about him anywhere. Someone please try to explain it to me, why was he so popular and influential?....
There is one reason, and one reason only. It's because of the way he died.

JFK did have the glamourous young wife and adorable children; something quite refreshing from prevous administrations. The sheer size of the Kennedy clan was interesting stuff in those days...remember, father Joe Kennedy had been quite a public figure during the 1940's. However, politically speaking JFK was NOT a popular President, NOT the popular idol we percieve him as today - and it is thought by many of his peers that he would not have won re-election in 1964. (Of couse, he would not have won in 1960 if the election weren't stolen...but that's another story). The very reason he was in Dallas that day was a special trip to 'mend political fences'.

Once the shots were fired and we saw Jackie in the blood stained pink suit, and the nation went through 4 days of shock and mourning, and once we witnessed how Jackie and the children bravely carried on...then JFK became the stuff of which legends are made. Adding to this mystique of course, was the assasination of brother Bobby, during his own Presidential campaign in 1968. Bobby would have easily sailed into the White House on sentiment alone. While it is tragic that he was killed and left 11 children to grow up without a father - I am so grateful there was never a SECOND President Kennedy.


PS - Two things JFK MUST be given credit for...he did possibly avert WWIII by his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and he did initiate the space programs goal to get a man on the moon before 1970. It might have been interesting to see 'Former' President Kennedy a witness to the Apollo 11 mission.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.