GP, presiding over the most tumultuous time in modern history is quite a sufficient reason to be so revered. Bay of Pigs!

Also, as Plawrence said, he was a celebrity. A young, handsome family in the White House.

As far as the other things going on in his life, they are news to me. And shocking news at that. But I have to disagree with Uzto on this one. I don't care one bit about what he does in his personal life so long as he is an effective President. JFK was. Clinton was. And, as hard as it is to admit, Reagan also was.

Sure, Clinton was a dolt for cigarfucking his intern, but do you think any other nation gave a shit? I highly doubt other world leaders used that as a sign of weakness or something to exploit. Everyone has skeletons in thier closet. And even if they did take it as a sign of weakness, which as I said is unlikely, it still did not matter. We managed to avoid war under Clint, which is nothing to ignore.

While Reagan may have done a nice job handling the Cold War, it came at a huge expense to our budget. We pay for it to this day. And while he was an effective President, he was one dumb motherfucker. Star Wars?! Trees polluting more than cars?!

Now, I would certainly rather have Clinton and his stinky cigar in office than Reagan, the laughingstock of world politics.

J! E! T! S! Jets! Jets! Jets!