JFK is not admired by me as few world leaders are. I don't see what was thought special about him anywhere. Someone please try to explain it to me, why was he so popular and influential?.

I agree with the addition of the president being the ultimate embassador and absolute representitive of a country's morals and its population's completly. Though it's abysmally clear the world is imperfect, and its people are the agents of aforementioned imperfection.

Marco; truly people and not saints are elected. But; saints were once people! Political leaders should all be models, and represent what they were elected to represent; virtously. They are serving their population and community. Though it would be prosposterously outrageous, and ignorant stereotyping to judge a country by some of its leader's actions. But. The president is the the highest political leader in most civilized countries. So no; I would not say that he should be treated with the same standards as a lowly mayor. For he represents that mayor and the mayor's family. Even ancestors in cases.

Donsadvisor. Yes abjectly and seemingly, most American citizen's remain apathetic to their president's private life, but that's where they are wrong. He represents them with his private life as well. What if he sold cocaine to children through or was in deals with international organized crime figures, or even national in his time outside of his office.Would they care then? If he lacks sexual temperance, and uses the position I gave him. To satisfy his sexual desires? That's not what I placed him in office with my vote for.

.. I care.