Let me reiterate my central point, because I believe it is important.

I DO NOT buy into the "He can do what he wants on his own time in his own home" bullshit - this neo-individualistic baloney. FUCK THAT. He has NO time of his own, and I PAY for his room and board. The president works for ME, goddamn it, and he represents ME in ALL of his everyday activities.

So when the premier of the United Arab Emirates looked at a story about Bill Clinton hammering a cigar in Monica Lewinski's sweetness and had a good laugh, saying "Ahhhh, that American bozo," that reflected poorly on me, ALL of you, and America in general.

The president, first and foremost, is a reflection of America and Americans.

"Ronald Reagan"...his detractors might think Iran-Contra. Magnificent defense spending. Deficit. But you know what Soviets thought when they heard "Ronald Reagan"? "Oh dear God, Hulga, the American commander is beating his fists."

"Bill Clinton"...his supporters will bark on and on about their stock dividends and the wonderful economy. What does the world think when they hear "Bill Clinton"? They think of a pudgy redneck's little cock flapping in the breeze in the nation's capital.

I'm sorry. When it comes to perception, I choose the former.

The president has a cabinet. He has aides and advisors. There is Congress. There are thousands of men and women who keep the gears of government rolling.

And the last thing we needed was Bubba Clinton's Magic Dick getting stuck in those gears.