Uzi for President? Would you clean up your language when you're ruminating with Tony B? I could see you over there at a Parlimentary lunch - So Tony, fucking fish and chips again?

Its a sad state when our Presidents can't provide a little moral leadership too. Cigars in an intern - porno in the White House. And the sad thing is that his moral-less wife didn't let that stand in the way of her own political aspirations. Damage control, how can I get elected with this dope-husband of mine making tabloid news out of the White House. I know, I'll go to New York where all the psuedo-intellectual liberal jerky women will vote for me. I'll by off the Jewish vote with some amnesty that dick-brain can maneuver and then....please don't get me started, its a nice day.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12