
Yesterday's Daily News headline: "JFK Had A Monica"

And this is news? Does it surprise anyone that the original Headless Whore's Man was fucking his 19-year-old intern?

It is very well-documented that JFK liked them two at a time, the filthier the better. He was a fucking pig. A disgrace.

No, I don't judge presidents by the climate. Cuban Missile Crisis? Good job, Jack. But keep your fucking pants on...you're AMERICA in the flesh...our figurehead. Be a man, not a fratboy.

I try to think about me being president. Would I like to bonk a teenager? Sure I would. But is there nothing BETTER to do while president? Come on! If I was the most powerful man in the world, I would have MUCH more fun with international wranglings than some harlot. Shit, if I could get Vladamir Putin or Henry Kissinger or Tony Blair on the phone right now, I would cut my dick clean off, for Christ's sake!

All of which points to why I hate Bill Clinton, too. Rest assured that if Bush is in the Oval Office getting head, I won't like him anymore either. I'm egalitarian in these matters.