Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Thanks for making me laugh and sad at the same time haha
This is how I've felt all season! lol

PB, I'd love to hear your father doing his unintentional Jay-Z impression! That sounds hilarious.

I went to the final game with my friend, and since we had to get cheap seats anyway, we decided to choose the absolute highest point in the park, in the section on the very edge. This was our view:

So I guess that's a conversation piece.. that we survived a pretty terrifying set of seats. haha

The game was against the Cards, so their victory (and the Braves' eventual loss) was what sent them to the playoffs. I never liked spoiler teams in past years, back when we had a chance at the postseason, so I didn't really like the idea of our guys playing that part.. but Cardinal fans basically overran our stadium that night! It's usually kind of dead around there on a normal game day, but there was a lot of energy and noise going on, all thanks to the visiting team.

Here's a sample of how loud they were:
Astros stadium comes alive!
First part is after (former Astro) Berkman got a hit, and second part is the end of the game. Excuse my ridiculous zooming. grin