History smistory. No one cares about the French involvement in Vietnam, that the French have supported the Iraqi regime financially, militarily, and politically MUCH LESS that that is not much different than Rummy's et al, 1980s chumminess when Sadaam was considered cool. French jokes/boycotts exist simply because it's the flavor of the friggin' moment and NOT because they selfishly supported Iraq, but simply because they had the gall to oppose the U.S. I have become cynical enought to accept that international politics are pretty silly in general. Schoolyard tactics on an international level.

French boycotts hurt U.S. markets too and seem to only serve in making the U.S. look ridiculous in the eyes of the rest of the world ("freedom fries", dismantle Statue of Liberty threats? come on..). Especially since many of the participants in the "boycott" seem unclear on the concept.

EDIT: Anton, I thought the Saladshit, and the mean names you made of everyone's monikers, stuff was very funny. Brave and funny.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"