Originally posted by Anton The Penguin:
A few questions to those anti-French people on this board:

a. No
b. No
c. Yeah, veto
d. I don't think anyone thinks that
e. Yeah, veto
f. I hope none of our presidents are ever compared to Chirac
g. Now you know
h. Not much at all
i. We have no idea
j. Washington, Ike, Mac, Lee

l. A lot (Convincing, isn't it)
m. I find it interesting you know how 100+ countries think of the US

How many international wars has the U.S. caused?

It's all over now, baby blue

Where have you gone Joe 05, our board turns it's lonely eyes to you...
What's that you say Mrs. Stallionete, JoltinJoe has left and gone away...