A: I am not anti-French, so I would have no reason to want the Statue gone. Although I do not agree with France, I cannot fault them. After all, as many of my colleagues have said, Iraq was a source of $ for France. If we step out of our self-righteous shoes for a moment, we will understand France.

B. This is a silly question. I realize that A and B were questions that you created to get some uninformed anti-French people to admit thier lunacy, but it hasn't worked. I doubt it will. Who cares what thier colors are?

C. It doesn't have to agree with another country and we don't have to hate them for it. But this is real life, and when we send our soldiers to die, we would appreciate some fucking help. When some of our closest allies fail to provide the help, we are bitter. Thus, hatred is born, right or wrong.

D. I think they get the point. They see it for what it really is, a blatant insult. Regardless of the dietary value of fries, the fact that we would even bother to do that shows our distaste for them.

E. Our cuntry is in international symbol for freedom and equality. No doubt about it. Does that mean that all of us actually follow those principles? Fuck no. This is reality Anton. There are smart people and stupid people; good people and bad people; Democrats and Republicans. What I'm saying is that while we shouldn't discriminate against them, it will happen, undoubtedly. Does that make us "wrong"? Perhaps. But don't believe for one second that if NZ wanted to bomb Iraq and was opposed by the French would it be any different.

F. Our President is anything but suave. As a matter of fact, I think he is a complete fucking idiot. But, as in all politics, he is only allowed to do what Congress allows.

G. France has gone to war. They dumped Nam on us. And although it may be a peaceful country, it is a bit easier for them to remain that way than for us. With power comes responsibility. Because we are the most powerful nation on Earth, we have become a sort of international police. While I don't agree with it, I do realize that it must be done.

H. This question is really a low blow. You see, I would hate them very much, because that is who I am. I hate, and hate often. And I admit it. Now, my fellow countrymen are a bit different than me. As a nation, we do not hate Muslims. We embrace all peoples. The reason why we get this impression is because we are always patrolling the Middle East and punishing Muslim nations because the fucking animals cannot control themselves. We don't hate Muslims, they hate us. IMO, the 9/11 attacks were 100% the result of the US's continued support of Israel. Because we side with Jews, we are pulled into thier never ending war with Muslims.

I. I hope not. Those names belong only to the French and homosexual. Claude? I hope no child has to go through grade school with that name.

J. I can't. Napoleon was a great General, no doubt about it. Now, what does that have to do with anything. I suppose this is another one of your questions aimed at discrediting some of our fanatically patriotic friends on here. Either way, is France supposed to deserve respect because of what Napoleon did on the battle fields?

K. I don't know why this is geared at me. Perhaps because you know that I am not anti-France? At any rate, it is what I would call moderate. In fact, one of my Professors today took it upon himself to crack on the French any time he could in lecture. I thought it very unprofessional, but that is niether here nor there. It could be much worse. I feel that the anti-French sentiment is mostly jokes poking fun at them. It could be a full scale demand for war.

L. No doubt a peaceful country is better than a war mongering one. Now, who the fuck are you talking about? France is peaceful, but do you honestly think that has anything to do with love? You are living in a fantasy world, kid. As I've said many times above, you need to realize that we are in a real world here, where shit gets ugly. France is peaceful because thier interests have not been threatened. Our have been, and will continue to be until our eventual fall. It is the way of life.

M. While I do not agree with this particular war, I must say that the rest of the world can go fuck themselves. Who will they turn to when someone tries to invade them? Us. That being said, I think you are wrong. We are not the only country that despises France. And your logic is also questionable. If I were to make fun of you, does that mean that you could not make fun of me? Who cares what the rest of the world says, if we believe what we are doing is right, fuck them all.

J! E! T! S! Jets! Jets! Jets!