Anton, you have a terribly warped sense of reality and international relations.

The France question does not come down to a state's pacifism, or inane jokes about the French, or the Statue of Liberty, or "Freedom Fries."

It comes down to economics. If you believe that France assumed the position it did because of a heightened moral clarity, you are sorely misguided. France is a modern society that enjoys the benefits of modernity. However, it CANNOT itself sustain these spoils. France does not have the internal mechanisms or resources, and the Iraqi regime, specifically regarding petroleum, served as a supplier and a source of limitless economic gain for French industry.

So don't try to tell me France is "peaceful"...if France had an oil pipeline coming from Siberia, do you really believe Chirac would have forsaken good relations with the United States? Because they are "peaceful"? Are you crazy, Anton, or stupid?

France not responsible for "many deaths" since Napoleon? No oppression? You have a lot to learn, Anton. One word: AFRICA. Colonialism. France held possessions in Africa until the second half of the twentieth century. Now shut up.

* Give me some evidence about "secret bombing" in Syria.

* Dwight Eisenhower, as one example, was on par with Bonaparte.

* Let other nations make jokes about the United States as they sip a Coca-Cola and bite into a Big Mac.