john sacrimoni, I remember that before people those sentenced to life imprisonment, was written on their prison paper
end of sentence: never, respect of the 41 bis, it may be inhumane, as you want, but you must understand (an American criticizes us, the worst happens at Guantanamo), that until the maxi-trial in 1986, in Italy it was thought that Mafia does not exist, also after the death of Falcone and Borsellino in 1992, there was an uprising of public opinion (and it is said that the bombs that killed Falcone and Borsellino, made sure that didn't become President of Republic, he isn't was convicted of having collaborated with the Mafia, just because the crimes were prescribed).
1) A constant of the Italian method until Judge Cesare Mori, is to favor the prosecution, without affecting the political and financial ties to organized crime, and removed the ones you would greatly reduce his power;
2) in 1992 and in part still entire regions of Southern Italy are in the hands of organized crime, the Camorra in Campania, the Ndrangheta in Calabria, the Mafia and the Stidda in Sicily, the Sacra Corona Unita in Puglia;
3), 41 bis has failed because it was thought only to repression, and in any event, people subject to 41 are not good people, but a ruthless killer, like Toto Riina, his desire for blood has caused over 1000 deaths in the Second Mafia War or Raffaele Cutolo thanks to him , in Campania from 1978 to 1983 there were 1500 deaths.And yes the life sentence is the same in italian and american penal code.