A few questions to those anti-French people on this board:

a) do you think that The Statue of Liberty should be taken down or hated because it was French-made and a gift from the French to the States because of 100 independent years?
b) do you think that the French should change the colour of their flag because they are using your colours or vice-versa?
c) why should a country have to help another one in a war which it disagrees with, and if it doesn't agree to help, then it will be hated by the other country?
d) why do you think that changing French fries to Freedom fries is offensive to the French at all; especially when French fries are fatty, heart-attack causing pieces of dried up shit that were never French in the first place?
e) what is the point of discriminating France/the French when that is exactly what your country is supposed to be fighting against; discrimination...in fact, your country stands for freedom and equality. A contradiction? Damn right.
f) no matter what you say, your president is nowhere near as suave and calm as Chirac. tongue
g) France hasn't caused any wars since...what...Napoleon? Where as you have...let's see Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, spring to mind...along with a lot of secret bombing in places such as Libya, Laos, and Syria to name a few...France is a peaceful nation, no matter what you say.
h) how much would you people hate French Muslims? ohwell
i) are babies never going to be called Claude, Pierre, Renard, or Marcell again?
j) name one American person who you can sincerely say was a better general than Napoleon.
k) this is more a question for people like Saladbar or Hollywood Hagan; how bad has anti-France gotten over there?
l) isn't a pacifist "country of love" better than one which causes numerous deaths and wars, in its own way? Maybe people in America are possibly better off in there than in France, but SERIOUSLY, France has not been responsible for many deaths since Napoleon...although the 95 nuclear testing was disgusting, America did its fair share as well. Also, how much freedom of speech does America have, really? I doubt you'll give me any convincing evidence...
m) and for a fun note: while you are making all these anti-French jokes, the rest of the world is making jokes about you. Just to point that out, not to say anything immediately "bad". ohwell

Thank-you, and think about it.


Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisioned
Only after the last fish has been caught

Then you will find that money cannot be eaten.