Mike Rizitello is claimed to have once made a trip to Australia in a private jet representing Fratianno interests, with an unnamed American entertainer rumoured to be in tow.

Australian businessman Sir Peter Abeles is alleged to have been introduced to Paul Castellano and Carlo Gambino by Jimmy Fratianno (circa the Winchester fiasco) and attempted to have them invest in several unrelated ventures. Apparently they eventually turned him down. Some sources claim Frattiano bragged to Abeles that through his connections, he could get Frank Sinatra to perform in Australia. (Unrelated to these claims, Sinatra did preform in Australia, but offended many by referring to the female reporters in Australian media as "hookers")

*All information collected from "The Godfather in Australia", "Without Fear of Fervour" and "Shadow of Shame" by Bob Bottom and "Mr Sin" by Tony Reeves.

Last edited by Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica; 09/20/11 11:38 PM.
