Despite reports of a small Sicilian family involved in various crimes and "traditional" rackets in Perth, Western Australia during the 30's, there is really no evidence that actual Cosa Nostra cells ever operated in Australia in a "homegrown" capacity, as various Ndrine have been know to do.

However, as surprising as it may be to some, the are several connections between certain individual mafiosi and Australian interests over the years.

Chicago hood Joseph Dan Testa, alleged to have been an associate of Frank Tamaleo, Cherry Nose Gioia and Tony Accardo himself, visited Australia several times in the sixties, and formed connections with well know Australian criminals and bookmakers such as Lenny "Mr Big" MCPherson and George "The Little Guy" Freeman, who both also spent time in Chicago and were entertained by Testa.
Testa was by no means a "godfather" or anything, but was "important" enough (or pissed off enough people) to be targeted in a carbombing several years later, after which he lost the use of his legs.

Bally Manufacturing, a well known mob linked poker machine company, undertook moves in the 70's to buy-out the interests of Jack Rookyln, their South Asia distributor. The transaction was negotiated by Alex Wilms, the company's European distributor and a well known associate of Dino Cellini. At one time Jerry Catena himself held interests in Bally.

David M. Stein, identified as an associate of Meyer Lansky, applied to migrate to Australia in the 70's. Listed as his Australian contact was George Freeman. His application was eventually turned down. Its been alleged that Mo Dalitz himself directed some funds from the notorious casino skims of the 70's to be invested in Victorian businesses and interests.

Rudy Tham, a West Coast union official and well known associate of Jimmy the Weasel Frattiano flew into Sydney on March 14th 1974, and met with a number of well known Australian businessmen (such as Bela Csidei and Peter Fox) and criminals such as Murray Riley, former NSW cop and drug dealer. Interestingly, Fratianno was liked to a number of Australian business and criminal interests through contacts made in California.

Last edited by Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica; 09/20/11 11:34 PM.
