I just caught this. Amazing. Like the Scarpa revelations weren't bad enough.

Only last year, Capeci himself referred to Sparaco as "newly arrived (flipped)", I think around February. But obviously this new info shows that as far back as the early 90's at least, he was secretly cooperating.

I dont understand exactly how the lawyers for Tommy Shots and Dino Saracino had found out the fact, since it was apparently released to pre-empt any attempts to use it in defense.

In all honesty, its actually a pretty good contingency plan for those mobsters with only true loyalty to themselves. Forge a relationship with the FBI relatively early on in your career, and when you get jammed up enough fall back on it as your get-out-of-jail-free card. One has to wonder how many other mobsters a currently secretly cooperating, and when/if it'll come out.

Like Ray Curto and Eugene Pontecorvo, eh? At Curto's funeral, them all talking about what a stand up guy he was...ha!
