Guys, you're arguing about nonsense. Who really gives a fuck anyway?

Gigante was culturally Italian American, with familial roots in Southern Italy. That's all that matters. If you go back far enough in someone's lineage, the odds of finding someone who's "100%" Italian are pretty slim. Southern Italy is one of the biggest melting pots on the planet. Take a DNA test that goes back far enough, and you'll find that most Southern Italians have Greek, Arab and African roots.

You can't argue with science. All four of my grandparents immigrated here from Calabria and Basilicata. Culturally, I'm 100% Italian American. But I have no problem believing that back in the middle ages my ancestors may have been Greek, Arab or African.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.