I wasn't too surprised at how irreverent the funeral was, yet it was kind of cold. I recognized Jenny McCarthy as one of his old girlfriends at the funeral (the girlfriends got kind of raunchy shouting out what diseases they got from Charlie.) Then again the show always has been kind of raunchy.

Kutcher's appearance by the door causing Alan to drop Charlie's ashes all over was quite funny. So was his exchange with Alan telling him he was gonna drown himself but the water was too cold. lol I laughed quite a few times actually, and think Kutcher's character "may" work although I don't know for how many more seasons. I think perhaps there is chemistry between Cryer's character and Kutcher.

But PB, I'm disappointed in you. You totally left out the part where Kutcher strips down to nothing and walks around the house . eek He walks to the kitchen in the buff the next morning and Berta only as she could do, says she approves. Oh, and when Alan's wife knocked on the door with Jake and sees a naked Kutcher hugging Alan, her remark was only that "I like him." lol

I may be old but not dead. They guy does have a nice body. (but who's looking?) lol


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 09/20/11 11:19 AM.

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"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon